The day before, a colorful holiday took place in Kazan for residents and guests of Kazan - a ceremony for collecting gifts for Sabantuy, co-organized by Kazan Innovative University. The solemn procession of horse-drawn carriages passed along the streets of Kremlevskaya, Pushkin, Bauman, Ostrovsky, Mardzhani and united on the square near the theater. G. Kamala. Every year the event brings together more than 260 public catering establishments of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Since 2016, the Association of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan has been reviving the folk tradition of collecting gifts for Sabantuy. Every year, dozens of cafes and restaurants in Kazan present their gifts, which are given to the winners of the main Tatar holiday - the Plough's Feast.
The interactive and festive format of the event attracts attention and creates a useful habit of coming to our region again and again, not only for Sabantuy itself, but also in advance to plunge into the history and traditions of our people, increasing the length of stay to five days.
This year, the festive procession with horse-drawn carriages took place along the following route: the first carriage started from the residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Kazan Kremlin and passed along Kremlevskaya and Bauman streets; the second carriage began its route from the The Tatar Musa Jalil State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet and moved along Pushkin Street; the third cart -from the national complex “Tugan Avylym” along Peterburgskaya Street; the fourth cart passed through the Staro-Tatar settlement along Kayuma Nasyri Street. The column with the participation of KIU students and staff moved along the route from the Kremlin to the Kamal Theater. Everyone could take part in the Ceremony, choose a location convenient for them and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the holiday.
Announcing the city with cheerful national motifs, the participants of the procession reached the final point - the square in front of the Galiaskar Kamal Tatar Academic Theatre, where theatrical performances unfolded and the best folklore groups of the Republic of Tatarstan performed.
All collected gifts will be solemnly handed over to representatives of the Vakhitovsky district administration for presentation to the winning batyrs of Sabantuy.