
Праздник в честь Дня Учителя и международного Дня Переводчика

Праздник в честь Дня Учителя и международного Дня Переводчика

Третьего октября факультет лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации КИУ провёл мероприятие в честь двух праздников: Дня Учителя и международного Дня Переводчика. Студенты-лингвисты и методисты подготовили выступления, подчёркивающие важность своей специальности в рамках концерта «Имена Великих».

Дата публикации: 7 октября 2024

Conferences Education Преподаватели Студенчество


Freshmen, welcome to the family of KIU named after V.G. Timiryasov!

Freshmen, welcome to the family of KIU named after V.G. Timiryasov!

First time in the first year! Freshmen of the University and College (pre-university education) gathered today at the assemblies in the courtyard of KIU academic buildings to celebrate their first day and get to know the University.

Education International Students International activity


KIU is in the TOP-30 Russian universities for training in psychology

KIU is in the TOP-30 Russian universities for training in psychology

Interfax Information Services Group presented the National Rating of the best Russian universities implementing general education programs in the field of Psychology. The study was conducted among 150 universities, 50 universities were included in the experimental rating.

Achievements Education


KIU entered the TOP 5 universities in Tatarstan with the best training of specialists in artificial intelligence

KIU entered the TOP 5 universities in Tatarstan with the best training of specialists in artificial intelligence

Kazan Innovative University was included in the ranking of higher education institutions in terms of the quality of training of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence. This information was published on the website of the AI Alliance.

Achievements Education International activity


“Thanks to the Russian language, we were able to explore a new world”

“Thanks to the Russian language, we were able to explore a new world”

At Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov hosted an award ceremony for foreign students who completed their studies at the preparatory faculty. On June 28, foreign students from different countries of Latin America and Asia gathered in the hall of the Academic Council of KIU to receive the documents on completion of their studies at the preparatory faculty.

Achievements Education International Students International activity


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