Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov took fourth place among private universities in Russia and fifth place among all universities in Tatarstan in the Integral ranking of the effectiveness of communications of the “Social Navigator” project of the media group "Rossiya Segodnya" (“Russia Today”) and Brand Analytics.
The high position of our University indicates the good reputation and brand recognition of KIU. Our University has good indicators according to the criteria of “information transparency”, “Presence in popular science mass media” and “Authority”.
The “University Rankings” project was created to assess the effectiveness of universities’ communications with applicants, students, alumni, the scientific community and business.
The Integral ranking of universities allows for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of communications with the university’s key target audiences: applicants, students, departments, representatives of the business community and economic industries, as well as the media.
Source: https://brandanalytics.ru/university-rankings/integral/#scroll_anchor